PrecautionsLike other types of massage guangzhou therapy, Russian massage guangzhou involves intimate personal contact. To lessen the possibility of unprofessional conduct, it is important to ensure that practitioners belong to a known regulatory body.
guangzhou escort should not be used on burns, in cases of deep vein thrombosis (blood clots ), infectious diseases, or in other situations in which it is clearly inappropriate. In cancer patients, there is no evidence that massage guangzhou causes the disease to spread. However, it is nonetheless advisable to avoid direct pressure at tumor sites. There is controversy over the advisability of massage guangzhou following a heart attack . Some studies have suggested that the heart is not unduly strained by gentle massage guangzhou, but this issue should be discussed with a physician. massage guangzhou is also not recommended in cases of phlebitis.
Side effectsAdverse effects from massage guangzhou therapy are quite rare, and are usually related to unusually vigorous methods or used when contraindicated.
Training & certificationIn Russia, guangzhou massage therapists are highly trained health professionals who start with a college degree in nursing or some related discipline such as physiotherapy, then undertake months of specialized training. In the United States, massage guangzhou therapists are regulated in at least 29 states. massage guangzhou massage guangzhou