Haima3 1.6L, Huandong 1.6CVT launch togetherPublished: 26 Aug 2009 02:02:01 PST<p class="authorInfor"]</p]<p style="text-align: center"]</p] Huandong</p]<p style="text-align: center"]</p] Haima3</p] In September the Haima Huandong hatchback will release its 1.6L CVT model with an expected price between 80,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan. The Haima3 sedan 1.6L model will be unveiled at the same time, priced between 100,000 yuan to 110,000 yuan.</p] <em]Agencies and Shi Jierui contributed to this story</em]</p]<p align=center] Explore the World, Understand China! Please log on www.gloaltimes.cn Waterproof socksmetal legs���쥸�å� �F�������`�� �F���� ���^